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Physics and Science Tutor Based in Enfield

Online tuition delivered by a very experienced Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions I am regularly asked...

Where do lessons take place?

All my lessons are done online.I am based near Enfield Town centre.

Can you set homework?

Having thought long and hard about this, and have reached a conclusion...I can, but I prefer not to. I think it is much more beneficial for your child to take ownership of their learning, thereby bringing issues to me they are stuck with. Some parents find this hard to fathom... but if a child spends time going over exam questions they choose to do, rather than being told to, then it's a win-win as they are directing their own learning. They should use me as a resource to build and support their own work - thus encourage them to being issues, questions and so on their sessions.

If you still want me to set homework then, I either use up time from the lesson or will make an additional charge. In the past I have spent half an hour making homework sheets for pupils not to do it, half do it and so on. Since pupils can access all the exam papers on line it seems hardly worth it for me to do it for you.

Can you teach small groups?

Yes! Small groups can be good and work out a bit less expensive for you. If you are interested in exploring this you need to have at least one more student willing and able. I am very rarely asked for group lessons, and so do not usually have a class that I can pop your child into.

The maths is causing problems!

Maths needs to be tamed! Every year I get students who are finding the maths an issue. If there is a weakness in this area it will need to be plugged because it will trip you up. Naturally we will do this as we go along. I find it usually about confidence.

Can you teach Biology and Chemistry?

I get asked this a lot. All scientists have a speciality. Mine is physics. Like most science teachers I have taught biology and chemistry at GCSE over the years. KS3 science is all combined (usually) so it is no issue at all. I wouldn't dream of doing A level in anything other than physics! It's always best to get a specialist I think but I understand that getting three tutors is not practical. In which case decide where the need is greatest and what desired outcome you are after. If physics is a problem - fine - call me. If you need an A** in biology seek out a biology specialist.

Do you visit students' homes for lessons?

It is not cost effective for me to come to homes for lessons as I would have to charge for travel. I have therefore made the decision to go totally online with lesson..

How much are lessons?

£45 per hour for GCSE and £50 for A Level. There are various payment methods. Can be cost effective to do small group work.


Just to let you know both boys got their best marks on the physics! Thanks so much for your help.

sine wave


I can't believe I have gone from an E to an A it's completely surreal. And I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!!!!



Very good lessons which are planned very well.

diffraction pattern