Physics A Level Content Summaries and Videos
As you can probably guess these summaries are not meant to cover all the knowledge that you need for each topic. They are more of an overview. You still need to use your text books, revision guides. Most of all though, keep asking questions!
And....Do not forget that different syllabuses have slightly different content in some areas. These summaries are not exhaustive
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Measurements and their Errors
Particles and Radiation
- Photons and the Photoelectric Effect
- Particles and Scattering
- Particles 001 intro
- Particles 002 Decay
- particles 003 Antiparticles, pair production
- Particles 004 Exchange particles
- Particles 005 Hadrons
- Particles 006 Leptons
- Particles 007 Quarks
- Particles 008 conservation rules
- Particles 009 Mesons...
Mechanics and Materials
- Nothing yet Squire
Further Mechanics and Thermal Physics
- Circular Motion
- Simple Harmonic Motion - Maths
- Simple Harmonic Motion - Iterative method
- Gas Laws
- Ideal Gas Pressure part 1
- Ideal Gas Pressure part 2
- Boltmann Factor and Activation Energy
- Find Plank's Constant
Fields and their Consequences
- Gravitational Fields Summary
- Escape Velocity
- Satellites including Kepler's 3rd Law
- Electric Fields Summary
- Magnetic Fields part 1
- Magnetic Fields part 2
Nuclear Physics
- Radioativity 003 - Exponential Decay
- Radioactivity 004 - Decay Equations and Stability
- Radioactivity 005 - Activity and Ln graphs.
- Radioactivity 006 - Modelling Decay - Iterative Approach
- Fission
- Fission problems - and Fusion
- Binding Energy